Selection and Ranking

Selection of Candidates and Ranking



Selection and ranking of the candidates will be done in compliance with national Law 32/91 (20th July).


After the candidates are admitted, the ranking is processed centrally by the Programme Directive Body.

The candidates will be ranked based on the following criteria, with the corresponding weight:


(A) Classification in Master’s degree or equivalent (25%)

(B) Classification in Bachelor’s degree or equivalent (30%)

(C) Publications in peer reviewed journals (30%)

(D) Communications in meetings (10%)

(E) Team member in funded project (5%)


The 24 best-ranked candidates in the CS component are admitted to an interview, conducted by the PDB and following a script designed to evaluate the following traits: determination, work ethics, enthusiasm, personal and scientific maturity.


The interview (I) has a weight of 50% in the final score of the candidate.


The final score (FS) of each applicant will be given by: FS = CS*0.5 + I*0.5.


After calculating the final score, the candidates will be ranked again and the top 9 candidates are selected as recipients of the fellowships associated with the doctoral program.

The next ranked candidates, up to 3, can be admitted into the program, but will not be granted funding by the program. Should they individually apply for funding, the PDB will aid in the process.


NOTE: The granting of the scholarships is dependent on the receipt of the required documentation and the budget availability of the funding entity.

NOTA: A concessão das bolsas a concurso encontra-se dependente da receção da documentação exigida e da disponibilidade orçamental da entidade financiadora.






After the final selection of the 9+3 candidates, each admitted candidate selects two projects from the list of available doctoral research projects.



IMPORTANT: There will be a time limit of one week during which the admitted candidates are encouraged to contact the Supervisor responsible for each research theme to make any necessary enquiries.

After the indication of the selected themes to the PDB, the students will be matched with a PhD project/supervisor(s) under the monitoring of the PDB. This will allow for the student/supervisor to be jointly involved in this decision process.

Following the matching of candidate with the supervisor, the candidate together with the supervisor(s) will write the research project.

The candidate will submit the doctoral project to the PDB for internal approval, after which the PDB will submit it for approval by the institutional governing body. Afterwards, the student can register at the institution conferring the degree.